110 year-old motorcycle for sale
Beautifully preserved 1902 Rambler Model B to be auctioned at Bonhams in Las Vegas

110 YEARS after its production, the Rambler will go to auction in unrestored, original condition.
Extraordinarily, this particular bike has never had more than a touch-up on the fuel tank.
It's amazing condition can be attributed to its long stay in the Manthos Collection of the Indian Motorcycle Museum. For decades, it has benefited from years of careful preservation and protection from the elements.
The Rambler's value is estimated at between $60,000 and $80,000.
In a historical context, the Rambler represented a significant step in the progression from bicycle to motorcycle. Built by Colonel Albert Pope’s American Cycle Manufacturing Company of New York, at the time the Rambler could boast extremely advanced production techniques.
It was one of the first motorcycles to have a long wheelbase for stability. Furthermore, it was a high-quality machine. It broke the mold by not relying on off-the-shelf components and its engine was designed and produced in-house. Unusually for the time, the frame was also purpose-made and not just a bicycle frame!
The Rambler came to market a full year before Harley Davidson released it's first production motorcycle, making it a pivotal part of American motorcycle history.