Reader's Rides: Down South Loop
This is Tony Middlehurst, Freelance motoring hack. He rides this route. Badly

I start this route at the old JR Taggers Harley dealership at the bottom of Bushey hill near Watford. Head north towards the M25. Plenty of roundabouts to have some fun with nice clear straights between them.
At the M25 roundabout take the A41 signposted Aylesbury. Be careful on this roundabout, as a dumbass car driver once bounced a friend of mine off his bike. The A41 is instantly fast and flowing with 140mph hills and bends, which are fantastic really early in the morning on a weekend. No cameras last time I went up there so just keep an eye out for camera vans on the bridges, but if you keep the speed up you will waste a good road.
Chill out for a bit and take in what's going past you. There's a new bit of road as you approach Aylesbury, it tricks you because the first bit is really quick but right at the end of it there's a sharp left and a roundabout. Be ready for that. Slow right down through Aylesbury - plenty of 30 limits and cameras - and keep following the A41 to Bicester. Once you pass the karting centre on your left it switches back to national speed limit, then you ride through Quarrendon (another 30 limit).
On the other side of that place is a national speed limit, and a stunning sweeping left-hander that I like to cane round. If it's clear you can go as fast as you dare, then stop a little further up at On Yer Bike to letch at the Ducatis.
Up to the A34 junction and head towards Oxford. Pick up signs for the A420/A338 and take the A338 to Wantage. This is fast and slow but really nice riding. Pass over the M4 and take the A4 towards London. When you get to Newbury take the A339 down towards Basingstoke. A couple of miles along is a right turn along the B3051, another top road. Turn left at the end onto the B3400 through Basingstoke. If you've had enough jump on the M3, or skirt alongside on the A30 and back to the M25.