How to save money in motorcycling
Seven frugal tips to save a fortune on insurance, your next bike, speeding fines and more...

A decent second hand bike will secure you a much better deal than straight cash at the moment. Dealers are crying out for stock and, as it’s harder to buy than sell, a tidy Japanese sportsbike is a great bargaining tool. Now is the time to sell. However, don't get robbed on a trade-in, stick to your guns and hold station on the price you went in expecting to get.
Beat depreciation:
Look at four or five year old exotic sportsbikes as your next purchase. Bikes such as the 999 started at £11,000 but now are holding a steady £5,000, the Benelli Tornado has hit a base price and so have F4 MVs. You can buy one and sell it a year later for a minimal loss. To save another £500+ consult James Whitham's to buying guide.
Insurance scam:
Never, ever, just accept an insurance renewal. Get online, go to an insurance comparison website, do some research and save hundreds of pounds. Do you have AA or RAC membership? If so then ask for any recovery service to be removed from the policy. One call and a bit of research can save you a fortune. For more on cheaper insurance tips click here.
Cheap fix:
Don’t assume that your bike is unique, different manufacturers use the same parts and prices vary wildly. Ask on specialist internet forums, they are the best source of information and will save you a fortune. A Monster headlight is £180 from Ducati, BMW’s R80 light is identical and costs £30. If it’s Italian assume it’s cheaper elsewhere.
Cash it in:
Before you throw away your old kit, stick it on eBay. Second hand boots sell for at least £20, jackets are popular, so are gloves, and even knackered kneesliders sell for up to £25.
No speeding fines:
If you receive a penalty notice try to cause as much aggravation as possible. Wait until the last minute then write asking for an extension and the photographic evidence, then ask for the camera’s calibration details. If more than one person is insured on the bike say you need more time to identify the rider. Do everything you can to help, and never lie, but just make it as painful and drawn out a process as possible. Some forces give up and lose interest.
Save a fortune:
If you can wait until the NEC Show in November, or the ExCeL in February, you will save enough to pay for your bike’s insurance. Wait until the end of the shows and dealers are itching to offload kit on the cheap.
Do you have any more thrifty tips? Share them below...