Drunk biker loses pillion in Police chase
Uninsured speeding biker escapes jail after his SISTER falls from motorcycle

A DRUNK BIKER whose pillion sister fell off the back of his uninsured motorcycle during a police chase has escaped jail.
Aberdeen Sheriff Court heard yesterday that Ryan Grant, 19, was twice the drink-drive limit when his sister fell off the back of his speeding motorcycle. Grant did not realise she was missing until after he crashed during the Police chase.
Lynne Newland, defending for Grant, told the court:
“Mr Grant didn’t have any recollection of the event until he got a call from his sister, who was the one on the back of his bike.”
Grant, of Oldtown Place, Aberdeen, admitted driving a motorbike without due care and attention, at speed during darkness and without displaying headlights. He also admitted driving with excess alcohol and without displaying L plates or having insurance.
Grant was fined him £550, disqualified from driving for two years and ordered him to take part in a supervised attendance order for 100 hours.