£50 safety bung to young riders in Staffs
Council giving training vouchers after safety workshops

We're as sceptical about local government as the next media outlet here at VD Towers. But we're willing to suspend the Rotten Boroughs cynicism for a moment here, as we report what looks like a decent initiative by Staffordshire County Council. Its Safer Roads Partnership has launched a project to give young riders £50 training vouchers, in return for attending a pre-CBT safety workshop.
Folk aged between 16-21 who are thinking about their bike test can attend the two-hour workshops at Cannock Fire Station on June 1. Complete the course, and you get a £50 voucher which can be used against CBT (compulsory basic training) courses needed to get on the road on two wheels.
More info: www.staffsyoungriders.co.uk