The air-cooled, three-cylinder, inverted engine Nembo 32 needs you!
The fascinating Nembo 32 captured (and confused) our imaginations, but while we are certainly invested in its vision it now requires actual investment from you for it to become reality...

Remember the Nembo 32? The quirky, yet captivating creation was featured on Visordown earlier this year and it caused quite the stir as we got our heads around a design that can halt traffic and technical specifications that left us both baffled and intrigued in equal measures.
To recap, the Italian-engineered Nembo 32 race bike melds the mind with its air-cooled, three-cylinder, inverted engine delivering 200HP packaged in a design that tilts heads in sheer fascination. Even its creators accept it is ‘unconventional’, going as far to say ‘yes, the engine is upside-down… madness is necessary’ in its own marketing spiel.

It is unlike anything else out there right now, not that this isn’t a coincidence since a technological dream in theory like this has frequently become more of a headache in practice over the decades.
Nevertheless, Daniele Sabatini, the brains behind the brawn, believes he has ‘cracked it’ and the Nembo 32 (so-called for its three-cylinders and two-litre engine) is a ‘revolution’ poised to strike the motorcycle industry.
Whether you take his word for it – and we implore you watch the video and make your own assertions – at the very least, the glorious sound will leave hairs on the back of your neck stand on end.
Such audible gratification may also have you foraging around for the credit card, which is handy because while the Nembo 32 isn’t quite ready for public consumption as yet, your generous dollar (well, Euros) is going to be the key to this curious creation ever making it onto the roads.
Much like any new invention borne out of creative vision and crafted with intricate attention to detail that answers a question few asked, the future of the Nembo 32 will ultimately rely on finances and demand sourced from crowdfunding to reach a production run.

There is something for anyone wanting to get involved, with as little as a £13 contribution earning you a Nembo special letter of thanks – albeit curiously not until December 2019 – right up to £27,400 for the Collector’s Unique Perk #32 which comes with the following pledge: ‘Nembo 32 bikes price will possibly start from 59.000EUR. If you'll buy one bike, this perk will allow you to obtain the absolutely "unique" number of chassis #32’. Tempting.
In all, there 23 financially-driven rewards available for the enthusiastic which you can view right here, so whether you’re will to spend the equivalent of an evening meal or want to re-mortgage your house, the Nembo 32’s very existence is entrusted to you, if you can handle the responsibility.
Incidentally, Nembo means ‘stormy, thundering cloud’ in Italian so let’s hope it’s ‘soleggiato’ days ahead for this perplexing yet deliciously evocative take on the conventional motorcycle.