American Motorcyclist Association asks riders to prepare to ride
The American Motorcyclist Association is urging people across the pond to start preparing to hit the road again

THE American Motorcyclist Association (AMA), the Motorcycle Industry Council (MIC) and the Motorcycle Safety Foundation are all urging riders in the USA to begin their preparations to hit the road.
The press release from the three biggest motorcycle bodies in America seems to point to an imminent lifting of the travel restrictions that currently affect most of the globe.
While the advice within the statement is geared towards riders in the US, it’s sensible stuff for us all to take a note of. Especially as the UK may to soon follow suit and begin easing the restrictions on recreational travel.
One of the key points is to those who’s bikes may have been laid up for most of this year. Maybe you didn’t manage to get out and ride prior to the restrictions coming into place and therefore your bike may have been off the road since October or November last year.
Now is the time to start getting it ready to wake back up again. If you’re a home mechanic, make a list if the points that need attention and use this time as a way of getting them sorted. In MotoGP terms, we aren’t quite on the grid yet. Although the bike is in the pit garage, on the paddock stands and it needs warming up!
For those not mechanically minded, now might be the time to start putting the feelers out about when your dealer or local garage will be opening again. See if they are taking pre-booked slots for services and minor repair work. If they are, get it booked in for the earliest date you and they can both accommodate. Once the restrictions lift there is likely to be a lot of eager motorcyclists rushing out to get their bikes sorted – don’t be last in the queue.
For those who were hoping to pick up their new bike in the first part of 2020, fear not, your hopes may not be totally dashed. Some manufacturers are offering home delivery of bikes once purchased through the dealer network, all observing social distancing and safe working practices.
It’s been a weird start to 2020, but hopefully we are beginning to see the light at the end of a very dark tunnel.