Biker knocked off by bus is sent high-vis jacket and advice for cyclists
Bus company sends a high-vis jacket and cycling advice as an apology for knocking a man off his motorcycle

A MAN who says a bus knocked him off his Harley-Davidson was sent a high-vis jacket and advice for cyclists as an apology.
Pub landlord Gerry McLoughlin, 47, of Bristol, says he was shunted off the bike after a quarrel with the bus driver who sounded his horn at him.
He complained to the company, First buses, and was sent a high-vis vest featuring the firm's logo with the message 'think cyclist'.
McLoughlin, who suffered burns to his leg, was also sent information aimed at helping bus drivers and cyclists understand the obstacles they both face.
He said: “I feel like I am being mocked.
“My leg got badly infected which meant I had to stay at home for a week having it dressed while my wife and daughter went on holiday.
“Even when I got out there I couldn’t go in the pool so it ruined it.”
McLoughlin admits swearing at the bus driver, who he says then shunted into the back of his bike, knocking him to the ground.
“I went round to the next stop where he was and wanted his details.” said McLoughlin.
“He said there was CCTV everywhere so not to worry but I still wanted his details.
“They claim I hit the bus and fell off then chased him and told him I would smash him up – that’s just nonsense.” He added.
Jonathan Barnard, General Manager of First said: “In relation to the pack sent to Mr McLoughlin, this was sent to him in error.
“It would be inappropriate to comment further at this stage.
“The packs were intended for cyclists – not motorcyclists – and were sent to reassure those people who’d had cause to raise concerns with us during the previous year.
“They were sent in good faith and outlined the various things we have been doing to improve mutual understanding, while also offering general guidance regarding staying safe when cycling near large vehicles.
“We would like to offer our apologies to Mr McLoughlin for any misunderstanding.”
The incident is being investigated by insurance claim handlers.