Custom motorcycles land builders behind bars in Gloucestershire!
A show of custom motorcycles is to take place in September within the walls of Gloucester Prison as the Kickback Motorbike show is banged up

THE Kickback Motorbike Show will be inhabiting a very different type of indoor space for its latest show, as September will see it host its 12th annual event from Gloucester Prison! The event will see motorcycles from across the country going on display and will take place on the 18th of September, 10 am to 5 pm.
The move to Gloucester Prison is a bit of a change from the event's usual location at the Three Counties Showground, although Lorne Cheatham, the founder of the event, spoke about how this was too good to pass up on.

Speaking to Gloucestershire Live, he said:
“It’s completely different. An event like this has never been held there before. I have invited all the winners from the national custom bike building championships, including the best woman bike builder and the best young builder, and all the winning bikes will be at the prison next month.
“This is a chance for people to show off their creations, and hopefully inspire other young builders. About 40 per cent of the entrants are from Gloucestershire.
“Gloucester is renowned for its engineering heritage and there will be a lot of engineering excellence on display at Kickback. It is a spectacular showcase bringing together the country’s most talented bike builders at Gloucester Prison.
“Local businesses are sponsoring, including Gloucester's Oily Rag, who build custom motorcycles amongst other things motorbike-related.”
To pick up tickets to the show or register your bike to be displayed at the event, head to: