Ever dropped your lid? A quick £40 scan could reveal hidden damage within
Wondering if you can use your lid after a light drop? The Helmet Inspection Company is offering a service that can scan your motorcycle helmet to reveal any hidden damage within - and it’s just £40

I’m sure we’ve all been there - you’re getting ready to head out for a ride (or have just come back from one) and you put your lid somewhere a tad precarious. ‘It’ll be alright there for a sec!’, you think, then thwack. The sound of a motorcycle helmet hitting the ground that seems to strike right for your heart.
That very sound used to signal the end of arguably the most important bit of PPE you don on a ride - regardless of age - as the advice has always been to replace a lid that meets the ground from any height.
Whilst that advice certainly remains the case, The Helmet Inspection Company now provide a service that could ensure the safety of your favourite helm, and if you can continue using it - to be done after a light drop or periodically over its lifetime of service.

First, generating a baseline 3D holographic image from various inspection points. Then, tests are safely conducted with a combination of lasers & a small amount of heat, inducing inconsistencies that incredibly sensitive instruments will pick up if a defect is apparent under the surface.
Costing £39.99 the scan will hope to give that peace of mind should the day ever come that you are to rely on the services of your helmet.
Sure, shipping your helmet off in a box may induce a bit of worry, but with a 2-3 day turnaround and £5,000 of insurance cover, there is also the opportunity to drop off your lid at participating dealerships.

Get your helmet inspected for £40!
Perhaps it’s time you get your lid through the test to see if it’s still providing the level of safety you need? Of course, a visual check before every ride is always the key, and if you do drop it, the recommendation will always be to replace it. But this is a chance to check the integrity within without cutting it in half.
Find out more, including the entire testing process and FAQ section, on the Helmet Inspection Company site.