Ewan McGregor: No more adventures for a few years
Hardly surprising, as the wee Scott is busy making sex-thriller movies in the US

EVERYONE'S FAVOURITE adventurer motorcyclist - with back-up vehicles,
mechanics and camera crews following his every move across the odd bit of mud and
sand - Ewan McGregor, has said that he won't be doing another big bike trip for at
least a few years yet.
Speaking during the promotional tour for his new film, described as a
sex-thriller called Deception (?!), the former Obi Wan Kenobi said:
"I love doing
the trips, they are great for the soul and the mind, but they take so long to
plan and to do that I probably won't get to do another one for a few years
yet. I think I'll take some time and focus on work for a while now first."
Good call Ewan. Those sex-thrillers won't go making themselves.
Oh, and he said he had skin cancer too. But he's had the moles on his head
removed and everything is good now.