Guy Martin to attempt land speed record
367mph+ in 1000hp Triumph Rocket III streamliner

GUY Martin will attempt to set a new motorcycle land speed record in a 1000hp Triumph Rocket III streamliner.
The road racer and TV presenter will try to break the current record of 376.363mph at the Bonneville Salt Flats on August 23-27.
The FIM world record attempt to take place over a measured mile for a Channel 4 programme to be shown in September.
Martin, 33, said: ‘The phone went about a month ago and I was asked “How do you fancy trying to become the fastest man on two wheels?’ And I said: “Yeah, I fancy that quite a bit thank you very much.”
‘Breaking the world land speed record isn't normally the sort of thing you get offered in your tea break, is it? And I’m well up for it. Bringing the record back to Britain would be mega too. Spot on, let’s get cracking.’
Triumph held the title of ‘World's Fastest Motorcycle’ from 1955 to 1970 with the exception of a brief 33-day period.
Martin’s methanol-fuelled streamliner features a carbon Kevlar monocoque construction with two turbocharged 2249cc Triumph Rocket III engines. It will compete in the Division C (streamlined motorcycle) category.