Honda UK: We have no plans to build a V5 road bike
Honda UK's General Manager for motorcycles quashes MCN's front cover fantasy of V5 VFR1000 road bike

VISORDOWN HAS just spoken to Honda UK regarding the front cover story of this week's Motorcycle News, which claims the company have TWO 1000cc V5 road bikes in the pipeline.
When asked about the rumours, Honda UK's General Manager for motorcycles, Steve Martindale, said: "Neither Honda UK or Honda Europe have any plans in the pipeline for a V5-based VFR road bike."
Mmmm, interesting. Which means MCN's 'world exclusive pictures' (a.k.a. computer-generated images) of a 150bhp, Ferrari-style gearchange, rail-free chassis supersports tourer, are nothing but utter schoolboy fantasy.
Couple this with last week's 'MotoGP 600 exclusive' front cover and it makes you wonder what they're going to dream up for next week's issue?
Keep 'em peeled!