Indian Riders Fest 2023 hoped to be biggest to date
Indian Riders Fest 2023 is go, with Budweis in the Czech Republic hosting what could be the world’s largest gathering of Indian Motorcycle owners

INDIAN Motorcycle is backing this year’s Indian Riders Fest (IRF) to be the biggest on record after 2022’s numbers.
The party of all things Indian begins on June 9th and concludes on June 11th, with Indian laying on custom bike shows and displays, rental bikes, music, entertainment, and beer – for those not riding! There is also a planned ride out for Indian owners and those renting bikes at the event, with the organisers hoping will top 2,000 machines. That parade will take place on a 25km route, and 2022 saw a reported 1,200 bikes taking part.
The festivities take place just a short walk from the city centre, where the event village will welcome riders with a large Indian Motorcycle area and, to kick off the weekend’s events, a live concert followed by a DJ-led afterparty will be held on Friday evening.

Speaking about the event, the organiser, Jean-Marie Guyon said:
"IRF 2023 will include all the elements that made previous editions successful, beginning with freedom and friendship. The Indian Riders Festival is undoubtedly an international event, with attendees from over 37 nations and the organisation team is thrilled to welcome Indian Motorcycle again as a main partner,”.
If riding all the way to Budweis is not an option for you, Indian will have a fleet of machines at the event available for hire. The rental bikes will be available on-site from as early as June 6th and include the Scout, FTR, Chief, Chieftain and Springfield model ranges.
More information on Indian Riders Fest 2023 can be found on the official website.