Indian's, er, Indian takeaway?
US bike maker jumps on the test ride bandwagon, bandwagon too!

Indian is still a fairly new name to lots of riders in Britain. So the firm's working hard to overcome the massive incumbents' advantage which Harley-Davidson has in the 'custom cruiser from America' sector.
Part of that is about getting bums on seats – the best way to persuade someone your new bike is a cracker is to actually let them have a ride on one. With that in mind, Indian has launched a huge touring assault on the market, in the form of a travelling roadshow, taking its test fleet all round Europe. The roadshow has the full range of Indians on offer, from the Scout and Chief, up to the Chieftain and Roadmaster tourers.
Grant Bester, General Manager and VP of Indian in Europe said: “Our dealer network has expanded rapidly and if you’re seen Indian and wondered what our bikes are like to ride, then you have the chance to come and join us on one of our many Roadshow events this year to discover for yourself.”
Here’s a list of the upcoming dates and venues in Britain.
BMAD, Paignton 4th, 5th, 6th May
MCN Festival, Peterborough Showground, 19th to 20th May
American Speed Fest, Brands Hatch, 9th to 10th June
Manchester Rock and Bike Fest 28th, 29th, 30th June
Calne Bike Meet, Wiltshire, 28th July
Llangollen Bike Show, Wales, 4th to 5th August
Copdock, Ipswich, 7th October
Brightona, Brighton, 14th October
All of Indian's UK dealerships will also be holding regular demo events throughout the year so please see @indianmotorcycleuk on Facebook for updates.
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