Judges throw out No To Bike Parking Tax case
Recent ruling means councils across the UK are likely to charge for motorcycle parking

THREE senior judges today dismissed the No To Bike Parking Tax campaign appeal, saying there was "nothing in the grounds of appeal".
Warren Djanogly, who led the NTBPT campaign, said: "We are hugely disappointed, but it is not over yet. We are now thinking of taking our case to the European courts where we expect to get a fairer hearing."
The BMF, whose members helped in raising the money required for the bringing of the appeal, say that cash-strapped Local Authorities across the country have been watching the situation closely and with the loss of the appeal, motorcyclists could now be faced with the threat of a nationwide rollout of parking charges.
A strong supporter of the ‘No To Bike Parking Tax’ (NTBPT) campaign from its inception in August 2008 the BMF say while the campaign gained massive rider support in London, many councils across the UK, possibly starting with Birmingham and Manchester, were also considering bringing in similar Pay by Phone charges for motorcycles and it was only the Westminster legal case that was preventing them doing so.
If parking charges were to be introduced, the Tax Payers Alliance have calculated that annually, it would cost the UK’s motorcycling community a staggering £93,000,000 in parking charges.
BMF Chairman, Anna Zee, said she was deeply disappointed at the verdict. “The use of motorcycles and scooters in urban environments can contribute greatly to easing congestion and anything which discourages such use is to be deplored.”