The Met Police to stamp out illegal Halloween ride-outs
In previous years, the Met has been called out to deal with anti-social behaviour, reckless driving and stolen motorcycles over the Halloween period.

ILLIGAL ‘ride out’ events in the capital have increased in the past few years, especially over holiday periods like Halloween.
Previously groups would congregate across London, intent on causing disruption and anti-social behaviour, including driving recklessly on the wrong side of the road, through red lights and across pavements; with many riders using stolen motorcycles.
The Met, who made 30 arrests linked to this kind of behaviour last year, is aware that some people taking part are linked to the group ‘UK Bike Life' and are working with surrounding forces to ensure that this year’s celebrations are not marred in the same way.
Superintendent Louise Puddefoot from Met Operations said: “These groups do not have any consideration for other road users and put themselves and members of the public at risk by driving recklessly in large numbers. They frighten and intimidate Londoners and tourists and have caused considerable damage to local businesses.
“We know that some people may see the event advertised and think they are joining like-minded enthusiasts on a lawful ride, within legal parameters. This is not the case. These groups are not in keeping with the law, they ignore the rules of the road and drive ruthlessly, carrying out stunts on the roads and pavements.
“Officers will be out across London throughout the Halloween period and will deploy a number of police tactics to prevent riders from driving dangerously. We intend to prevent disorder and crime caused by riders and we will be dealing robustly with offenders and making arrests where appropriate.”