No Limits sets up England’s first all-female motorcycle race
Trackday company No Limits Racing sets up the first female-only motorcycle race in England

The number of all-female motorcycle races that have taken place around the world could be counted on one hand - which is pretty insane. However, track day specialist No Limits Racing decided to break the mould last weekend and set up England's inaugural female-only race at Donnington Park race circuit with the race consisting of one fifteen-minute qualifying session followed by a 9 lap race.
The event was organised to raise awareness and monetary funds for the Prevent Breast Cancer charity, and to shine a light on ladies that race at club level. The event was the idea of No Limits trackday regular, Gemma Viles, whos hope it was to bring female racers closer together as well as raising awareness for a noble cause.
No Limits regularly hold events to support charities, but this is the first time the firm has set up a female-only track/race day - setting the example for other racing clubs. The race entrants paid £99, of which No Limits donated 50% to the charity.
If you feel inspired and would like to donate click here.
Although only one race was organised, what about a whole female-only motorcycle series similar to that of the Formula W series? Chances are something like this for female motorcycle racers will be a thing in the near future... it would be great to see more Ana Carrasco’s and Jenny Tinmouth’s in the sport of motorcycle racing.
But what do you think? Would a women's only motorcycle race series be a positive thing for the sport or is this type of gender division not required?