Police appeal after string found tied across road at neck height
‘Morons responsible must be tracked down’

POLICE are investigating after a piece of thick string was found tied across a road at neck height, posing a danger to motorcyclists.
The string could have caused serious injury and even a broken neck, according to the Motorcycle Action Group.
It was spotted by a passer-by at night time, when it would have been difficult for riders to see.
It had been tied between lampposts either side of a residential street in Totton, Hampshire.
Totton councillor Chris Lagdon said: ‘The morons responsible must be tracked down by the police and made to face the full force of the law.
‘As a motorcycle rider myself I know how dangerous something like that can be. It was an atrocious thing to do and I’m absolutely disgusted that an incident of this sort has occurred in Totton.’
Mog Morrison, head of the New Forest Motor Cycle Action Group, said: ‘If this was some sort of prank involving youngsters I hope the police or their parents take them to one side and educate them about the potential consequences of their actions. A cyclist or motorcyclist could have lost control and ended up on the ground.
‘Depending on the tension of the string and the speed at which they were travelling, they could have suffered a very serious injury – a broken neck at least. This sort of thing has killed people in the past.’
Totton Police Tweeted following the incident last Tuesday: ‘Unknown persons have placed green string across Water Lane. The location was close to the junction with Bagber Road. Any information?'
Local resident Steve Shepherd told the Southern Daily Echo: ‘Whoever was responsible for the latest incident doesn’t have the brain cells to realise what could have happened. Someone hitting it could have been killed. It’s madness, simple as that.’
A Hampshire Police spokeswoman said: ‘It was at neck or chest height and could have been dangerous for a cyclist or motorcyclist.’
‘It could have caused serious injury.’
Anyone with information should call PC Steve Norris at Totton police station on 101