Power of social media re-unites owner with stolen CB500F
A Dorchester man was shocked when his posts on Facebook paid off and his bike was returned to him, relatively unscathed.

FIRST reported in the Dorset Echo, Stephen Rodgers bike is his only prized possession. Completely original apart from a respray, the classic Honda is worth about £4000 – and will be appreciating weekly.
So, you can imagine Mr Rodgers upset when he realised it was stolen on October 19th. The bike had been stored for some time in an arch near his home, secured with a chain, lock and covered with a bike cover.
After notifying the police Mr Rodgers took to social media and posted as many pictures of the bike on the social network as he could in the hope that his pride and joy would be found.
He said: “I blasted Facebook with pictures and pleas, and a retired lady in Culliford Court retirement home reached out to me through [Facebook] messenger to say there was a bike like mine in their car park with its number plate poked into the hedge.”
Sadly, the thieves had tried to force the ignition and had caused some damage to the barrel but they hadn’t managed to start the bike and had dumped it less than a mile from where the theft took place.
“I have absolutely no idea how the news reached her, but I'm going to get her some flowers to say thank you. The bike is now locked up in a friend's yard.”
Officers have carried out door-to-door enquiries and are still investigating the theft although no arrests have been made.