Registration open for Distinguished Gentleman's Ride
Get the dressing-up box out for the global posh charity rideout

TO BE honest, we didn't really get into biking to ride around cities slowly, wearing tweed plus-fours or an RAF officer's uniform, with shiny shoes and a ropey open-face lid (all the better to display yer beard). But if that's your bag - fair play to you.

And here's just the event for you. The Distinguished Gentleman's Ride (DGR) is a charity event where folk raise money for men's health charities, all round the world. The organisers ask for folk to bring suitable machinery - custom, cool, retro being the buzzwords - and most folk dress up in a sort of Edwardian/steampunk melange, that brings to mind Chris Eubank in his late 1990s acid trend. Again, fair play to them.

We actually went to the London event last year, and it was pretty good fun. Riding around the big city, with hundreds and hundreds of bikes is never a bad thing, and there were some really interesting bikes and people there. If you're au fait with The Bike Shed and its accompanying scene, then you'll know what to expect. However, if your usual city riding involves danger-wheelies on a road-legal(ish) quad, urban camouflage trousers and fifty mates on open-piped scooters, you might not fit in too well tbf. In the end though, if you're raising the cash for the charidee, we guess it all counts?
The DGR is on Sunday September 30th, in cities all round the world, including That London, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Belfast, Cardiff, New York, Los Angeles, Sydney, Paris, and loads more.