Scotland’s cool road safety campaign
New motorcycle safety film launched to highlight best practice for group riders

Motorcyclists in Scotland are being encouraged to adopt safe riding habits when exploring the country through the latest film in the ‘Live Fast, Die Old’ Breathtaking Roads series.
The new short film, The Devil’s Beeftub, focuses on bikers riding in groups and the dangers to be particularly aware of when enjoying Scotland’s roads. The film highlights potential hazards including sheep, stationary cars and blind bends, and finishes with the strapline ‘be aware on breathtaking roads, don’t let them take your breath away for good’.
Riders aged 50-54 have the highest KSI rates (killed or seriously injured), and 92% of all motorcycle casualties are male. Analysis also shows that, in three–quarters of collisions where a biker is injured, the rider is the contributory factor. Failure to look properly and loss of control are the top factors in motorcycle deaths, with rider behaviour at bends or when overtaking accounting for the majority of fatal or serious injuries.
Cabinet Secretary for Transport, Infrastructure and Connectivity, Michael Matheson, said: “We are aware bikers face greater risks than any other road user, and we are committed to raising awareness of the dangers they encounter on Scotland’s roads and reducing the number of those killed or seriously injured.
“Through using the voices of the biking community, the Live Fast, Die Old campaign is fundamental in highlighting best practice. I’d encourage any motorcyclist who is planning to explore Scotland to ride appropriately for the conditions and always consider other roads users, particularly if you’re riding as part of a group.”
Michael McDonnell, Director of Road Safety Scotland, said: “We’re now well into biking season and as the weather improves, the roads are busier and bikers set off with their friends to enjoy the stunning scenery that Scotland has to offer.
“We understand the thrill of biking and don’t want to take that away, but we want to ensure that groups of motorcyclists are looking out for each other on the road and practising safe manoeuvres together.”
A dedicated microsite and engaging Facebook page (Live Fast, Die Old) is also available which highlights the greatest biking experiences, along with hints and tips from carefully selected local biking experts who have first-hand experience of Scotland’s roads.
Check em out here: