Should car drivers complete a CBT?
What do you think?

On my daily London biking commute I’ve lost count of the number of drivers who are completely oblivious to riders, and worse, completely engrossed in their phones.
Filtering seems to be a particular problem. Many of the drivers I’ve come across can’t handle bikers respectfully filtering past them, and some seem to believe we’re not legally allowed to do so.
The problem is a lack of understanding, and potentially insufficient penalties.
With over 450 road traffic incidents per year caused by mobile phone distractions (including 33 deaths in 2018), clearly, the current punishment of 6 points and a fine isn't doing the trick.
Motorcyclists are the ones that come off worse if a texting cager veers out of their lane as we filter past.
So stricter penalties for clear infringements of the law like using a mobile phone is one option, but as far as lack of understanding goes - how about introducing a CBT for drivers?
Put people on two wheels before they learn to handle four. A CBT test could be part of acquiring a UK driving license. Radical thinking yes, but clearly some drivers just don’t get how vulnerable bikers are on the road, or what it’s like to ride on two wheels. They’ve not felt the joys of a car slowly pulling out on them at a junction, nor have they considered how road conditions change drastically when it rains. These drivers lack empathy for bikers, so, put them on a bike. And maybe, just maybe they’ll think twice about picking up the phone or tail-gating a biker in the wet.
What do you think? Should drivers have to complete a CBT before they’re allowed to drive? It’s pretty out there I’ll admit, but something’s got to give.
What do you think would help to raise awareness of bikers on the road, and improve car drivers’ understanding riders’ rights?
Share your thoughts in the comments below.