WATCH Graham Jarvis show off Enduro skills... then destroys his shed!
Enduro rider Graham Jarvis demonstrates some impressive back garden skills on his Husqvarna... until it all goes very wrong!

We all think we can demonstrate the finest skills on a motorcycle but the best of the Enduro riders are surely the ones most likely to end up on Britain’s Got Talent.
One such person is Britain’s own Graham Jarvis, an Extreme Enduro rider with some impressive credits on his CV, including five British Trials Championship titles, six Red Bull Romainiacs wins and five Erzberg Rodeo Red Bull Hare Scramble victories.
However, when it comes to his home videos of Enduro training in the tight confines of his back garden, there seems to be a fine line between getting on Britain’s Got Talent and You’ve Been Framed.
Indeed, he - like many of us - is currently twiddling his thumbs waiting for normal life resume and inevitably the devil finds work for idle hands.
First and foremost, Jarvis – a factory Husqvarna rider – must be credited for some serious skills on a motorcycle, as demonstrated with leaps and jumps between various garden furniture using an impressive degree of ingenuity that got us pondering what we can do with the Flymo and some plant pots.
Things don’t go entirely perfectly for Jarvis in his quest to get fancier, such as this amusing bit of schadenfreude in his attempts not to collect his smartly product placed Rockstar can of energy drink.
However, it’s nothing compared with the hilarious disaster that has now befallen him when a leap to the top of his shed reveals that roof is not nearly as sturdy as he probably thought.
Just to make matters more amusing, it also happens to be his birthday (Happy Birthday, Graham) so by honour of a present we suggest you give him a follow and enjoy a whole range of impressive and amusing videos. We suspect one of them may involve rebuilding the shed…