WATCH: Women wearing bikini slides down the road in Greece

Wearing little more than beachwear, the pillion is hurled from the bike when it collides with another motorcycle

WATCH: Women wearing bikini slides down the road in Greece

A WOMAN in Greece looks to have escaped major injury after the motorcycle she was riding pillion on collided with another bike, sending both bike and riders down the road.

It’s reported that she escaped with little more than skin burns in the incident, a nothing short of miraculous outcome. The incident highlights that regardless of how hot it is, or how short your journey is – a minimum amount of protective riding gear should always be worn on a bike. Regardless of how much you trust the person riding!!

We’ve had a good look at this and can only place the blame firmly with the rider carrying pillion. The road is busy with other bikes but there seems to be enough space between those two bikes to allow him to filter through safely.

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