Wayne Rooney motorcycle up for auction
Custom bike designed by Manchester United and England footballer up for sale in a charity auction on eBay

A CUSTOM bike designed by Wayne Rooney is currently up for sale on eBay.
The cruiser has been made by Danish custom house Lauge Jensen with design input coming from the Manchester United and England striker, all proceeds of the sale will go to charity KidsAid.
The centerpiece of the Rooney bike is a signed jersey embedded and preserved in lacquer on the tank with artwork on the rear mudguard showing his celebration after scoring an overhead goal against Manchester City in February 2011. It also features 21 black diamonds and one white diamond.
Rooney said: “The bike we have designed takes its inspiration from the celebration of my overhead kick against Manchester City last season. The goal has been described by others as being of the highest quality, technical excellence, powerful and beautiful. I hope you will agree that the bike is all of this and more.”
The auction currently stands at £57,100 with 47 bidders.