White line gang paint around dead badger

Apparently it's not their responsibilty to move carcasses

White line gang paint around dead badger

White line gang paint around dead badger

GET THIS: A gang of roadworkers painting white lines in the middle of an A-road refused to move a dead badger because they were not "licensed or trained" to move it - so painted around the dead animal instead.

The four-legged star of this particular story had been killed on the A338 on the Hampshire-Wiltshire border roughly a week before road workers started white line painting. However they refused to move the dead animal because, according to a Hampshire County Council employee, the workers "did what they thought was best until arrangements could be made to remove the carcass."

Mel Kendal, county council environment chief, said:

"Arrangements have now been made and the gap in the white lines will be filled in, at no extra cost to the council tax payer."

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