The World's Fastest Indian
Burt Munro honoured in New Zealand rally

Burt NZ legend and world speed record holder
MOTORCYCLISTS FROM around the world are revving up in tribute to Burt Munro, the Invercargill man who broke a motorcycle land-speed record in the 1960s.
The Burt Munro Challenge rally - now in its second year - is continuing this weekend.
The event celebrates the record set on his Indian motorcycle at the Bonneville Salt Flats in the United States.
Thousands of bikers have registered to take part, with entries from New Zealand, Australia and as far away as California.
The event climaxes on Sunday with a ride around Mr Munro's home town of Wyndham.
The film 'The Fastest Indian', which stars Anthony Hopkins, told the story of Munro's rise to fame and help rekindle a worldwide interest in the Antipodean phenomenon.