Motorcycle organisations publish updated COVID-19 guidance for riders
The Coalition of Motorcycle Organisations has issued updated motorcycle rider advice amid COVID-19
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WITH travel restrictions in England beginning to lessen, the Coalition of Motorcycle Organisations (COMO) have released updated COVID-19 guidance for motorcyclists.
A combination of fine weather and easing of restrictions in England (although not yet Scotland and Wales) has meant that for many motorcyclists the 2020 summer riding season has begun at last. But the easing of restrictions does not mean that we are out of the grip of COVID-19 just yet.
Many experts believe that unless social distancing guidelines (the latest of which you can find here) are observed, the chances of the UK experiencing a second peak of deaths and infections is high.
With that in mind, COMO has issued it latest advice to motorcyclists thinking of heading out on their bike, joining up with other motorcyclists or riding together in groups.
As it is at the moment, the whole of the UK can ride for essential purposes, such as shopping for necessities, meeting your or others medical needs and for commuting – if your work is essential and cannot be completed from home. Furthermore, in England (although not yet Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland) you can ride your motorcycle for training and recreational reasons – although only if the social distancing guidelines are observed.
You must maintain a suitable distance from other riders, and passengers of riders who do not live in the same household as yourself.

When out for a ride, COMO suggest following these simple points – so does Visordown:
- Plan your route carefully to avoid busy locations, traffic congestion and crowds.
- You must only ride with a pillion or sidecar passenger if they are part of your household.
- If you can, ride singly or as a pair. You must not travel in a group of more than six and, when you stop, you must make sure you stay sufficiently socially distanced from any who are not part of your household. For further advice on group riding, see below.
- Aim to be as self-sufficient as possible by taking all food, refreshments and other essentials with you.
- Agree in advance what you are going to do if you have problems. Agree, for example, how to deal safely with any breakdowns or emergencies.
- Do not gather in large numbers with other motorcyclists (There will be time for that when the present crisis is over.)
- Avoid cafes, but try to establish in advance where there will be essential facilities en route such as public conveniences.
- Try to limit the number of stops you make and, wherever possible, stop in isolated places. Do not to stop or park in public car parks where you cannot be sure of maintaining adequate social distancing.
- Know the COVID-19 safe procedures to follow at filling stations or shops. Try to limit the number of fuel stops you make.
- Know what COVID-19 safety kit you are going to take with you, such as alcohol hand gel, masks, gloves, tissues, plastic bags etc. Use it appropriately and safely.
- Make sure that your route is not so long and difficult that you cannot return home safely if things like the weather change suddenly. You must return home the same day.
- Encourage other riders to be COVID-safe at all times.
- Ride sensibly and with consideration for others.
- Be aware that, at present, the guidelines for leaving the house for other than essential reasons may be different in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.

Here are some of your questions answered regarding riding during COVID-19.
Can I take a multi-day tour during COVID-19 restrictions?
No, it is against government guidelines to stay anywhere other than your own home during the COVID-19 restriction period – even camping on a site or in the wilderness of banned for now.
Myself or another person in my household has some but not all symptoms of COVID-19, can I ride?
No, if you or a member of your household is displaying any symptoms that could be COVID-19 (temperature, a new, continuous cough, loss of smell/taste) you must stay at home and self-isolate for seven days from when the symptoms started. Anyone who does not have symptoms, but has been in contact with this household member, must self-isolate for 14 days from when the first person in your home started having symptoms.