Mash Belena 125 and 300 models announced
For a brand with such a retro vibe, the Mash Belena 125 and 300 are interesting propositions!

MASH Motors is getting in on the commuting game, as two new scooters are announced, the Belena 125 and 300.
Both of the bikes are thoroughly modern-looking machines, quite a departure for a brand that has built a name for itself creating retro nakeds, roadsters, and scramblers. The scooter market is a significant one though, especially across the channel and into Europe, making this move by the French brand seem like a fairly sensible one.

From checking over the press release for the Mash Belena it seems that both models are basically the same, just with different engine sizes and colour options. The Mash Balena 125 can be spec’d in either blue, grey or black, while the 300 is only available in black.

The Belena features 14 and 13 inch wheel sizes across the models, and they are both said to feature an ‘advanced braking system’, that on further investigation comprises hydraulic discs are both ends and what is, I assume, two-channel ABS. I say assume, as the press release for the bike is fairly thin on the ground when it comes to technical specs and mechanical features for the bike, and the webpage on the website isn’t live quite yet. That means we are in the dark as to the engine performance, fuel capacity, weight, seat height or any other juicy details.

We do have information regarding one interesting feature of the machine though, in that the Belena is stated to include an integrated radio system and Bluetooth connectivity. The system seems to use speakers mounted in the leg-sheild of the bike, although we'd assume it can also be hooked up to a headset if one is in use. We’ve asked the Mash PR rep’ to get this missing info over to us as soon as they can.

The Mash Belena 125 is priced at £3,399, while the 300 comes in at £3,999.
More information can be found (once the page is live) on the official website.