English locks to take on the world...
Lock maker Squire teams up with global adventurer Nick Sanders

One thing which would worry us about riding a bike round the world is keeping the thing secure when you're in the proper proper badlands. We'd panic about leaving a BMW R1200 GS parked up in Wimbledon Village for half an hour these days, never mind overnight in Caracas or Baltimore...

Now, admittedly, he looks like he's the one needing locked up in this pic. But we can see the sense in round-the-world mileage addict Nick Sanders 'teaming up' with Squire locks. The British firm makes some of the toughest padlocks around, and its kit should give old Nick a fair chance of coming back to his R1 or Tracer 900 in the morning. Having said that, we've heard of him sleeping under his bike when he's on a real fast circumnavigation, so maybe he'll just chain himself onto the bike and save messing about.
Squire claims to be one of the oldest lock makers in the world, with a history going back to 1780. It makes its locks in Wolverhampton still, and its high-security range of locks are Sold Secure Gold approved, and good against all but the most aggressive thieving techniques.
More info on Squire here (or just go on eBay...)