UK firm LITELOK announces it toughest product to date
LITELOK has announced its toughest bicycle and motorcycle lock to date, as the LITELOK CORE is announced

ONE of the knock-on effects of the lockdown is the widely reported boom in motorcycle and bicycle use, with commuters searching for more socially distanced and safer forms of transport.
But as the use of motorcycles and scooters grows, inevitably so does the crime that is associated with it. With motorcycle-related crime in major cities on the rise again, security has again been on the agenda.

One way to increase motorcycle security use is to employ tactics to make locks lighter, stronger, and easier to use, something that UK firm LITELOK has homed in on with its latest product.

The LITELOK CORE Moto is claimed to be the strongest motorcycle lock produced by the firm, and at its heart is innovative Boaflexicore Plus material, that incorporates multiply strands of wire that are encased in a steel shell. These are then again wrapped in further layers of material to help evade attacks and also prevent corrosion.

The new LITELOK CORE Moto weighs in at 2.5kg for the 125cm model (for reference my Oxford Nemesis is only slightly longer and weighs more than 6kg), and it is accredited as Motorcycle Gold by the independent security certification group Sold Secure.

The lock has been partly funded by successful Kickstarter campaigns, with the latest round of fundraising hitting its backing target yesterday – raising £52,000 of its £25,000 goal at the time of writing.
We’ve asked LITELOK for a sample of the CORE Moto once the products are ready to ship – we’ll keep you updated on how we get on with it.
For more information on the Kickstarter campaign, head to:
To check out the manufacturer’s website, head to: