BSB: Glen Richards crash update
Visordown's BSB mole gets a whiff of some slight (and alleged) incompetence in the HM Plant Honda team

VISORDOWN'S BSB mole has uncovered details of HM Plant rider Glen Richard's Knockhill crash, which resulted in a broken femur for the talented Australian.
It's alleged the accident was caused by the Honda mechanic responsible for Richards' bike re-fitting the front wheel with the brake lines the wrong side of the carbon front guard.
It's alleged the carbon fibre cut through a brake line and left Richards with no front brakes on the approach to Radio Hairpin.
It's not the first time this has happened to the Honda camp; a similar incident involving Johnny Rea a few years back in Supersport 600 class almost ended in a courtroom battle. It's alleged Honda subsequently offered Rea the HM Plant BSB ride as a get out of jail card.
Sources say Richards will now miss the rest of the season due to the extent of his injuries.