Campaign for new “TT” on the Isle of Wight
Campaigners attempt to persuade government to allow road races on the Isle of Wight

CAMPAIGNERS are trying to persuade the British government to allow a TT-style road-race around the Isle of Wight.
While road races are well established in Ireland and, of course, the Isle of Man, in the UK (including the Isle of Wight, of course) they've always faced serious problems; the Road Traffic Act bans racing on public roads even if they're closed.
Although it's been circumvented in the past, notably for the Monaco-style Birmingham Super Prix held between 1986 and 1990, that required a specific Act of Parliament (the Birmingham Road Race Act) simply to let it happen.
Now the Government is consulting on deregulating the process required to allow local authorities to temporarily suspend the Road Traffic Act. Should that consultation result in a change in the law, effectively meaning that closed roads would no longer be considered 'roads' under the Road Traffic Act, then it will open the door to road racing in the UK.
The Isle of Wight campaigners are hoping that is exactly what happens and want to persuade the local authorities on the island to establish a TT-style event to try and drum up the sort of tourism boom the Isle of Man already gets from the TT.
Speaking to BBC News, Isle of Wight Council deputy leader George Brown said: "We would be happy to consider any proposals for high-profile events that would extend the island's tourist season and make a meaningful contribution to the island's economy without compromising the island's natural beauty and charm for which it is famous.”
The campaign's Facebook page is here