TTXGP: Sulby Straight top speeds
See what a battery-powered racer can do along the Island's fastest section

HERE ARE the live tops speeds registered by the TTXGP competitors along Sulby Straight.
The one-lap race, which is taking place right now, ends shortly so watch out for a full results table.
Not exactly John McGuinness speeds but it's the first year of the emission event. Next year's race is scheduled for two laps with battery swaps during pit stops!
18 Thomas Schoenfelder 2009 XXL Racing Team 1 106.500 MPH
16 James McBride 2009 ManTTx 1 99.100
12 Rob Barber 2009 AGNI X01 1 97.800
1 Thomas Montano 2009 Mission Motors 1 88.300
26 Mark Buckley 2009 Brammo 1 85.500
11 Roy Richardson 2009 Brammo 1 83.200
8 Chris Petty 2009 Barefoot Motors 1 80.400
21 Chris Heath Electric Motorsport 1 73.300
14 Paul Dobbs 2009 Htblauva TGM 1 66.600
17 John Crellin TORK 1 66.500