A note to the driver of the silver car – only bikes can filter!
A driver of a car made a massive error in this video after attempting to filter between two lanes of traffic sending the car into a terrifying barrel roll.

WHEN filtering in traffic, it’s always a good idea to make sure that the vehicle you are in is capable of carrying out such a maneuverer!
Sadly for this driver, they forgot this golden rule of getting through traffic and seemed to attempt it while driving a family car!
Filmed from a following motorcyclists helmet camera, we see the car crossing a line at an intersection (American word for a sliproad/junction) with the driver then attempting to squeeze in between two rows of traffic at what looks like about 50mph. After clipping a black Chevrolet Camaro muscle car, the silver car completes a full 360° barrel roll and comes to rest at the side of the road.
So, remember folks – if you must filter, make sure you’re on a bike, not a car!
Check out our guide to safe filtering here.