WATCH: Biker and bike washed down a flooded road
Filmed during a flash flood, the footage shows a rider completely helpless as the volume of water drags him and his bike down the road

IF YOU THOUGHT the pothole-strewn roads of the UK were treacherous when wet, you’ve never been to Brazil in the rainy season!
The clip above was reportedly filmed in Campinas, southeast Brazil, a few days ago and shows a rider desperately trying to save a small capacity bike from being washed away.
The city can see 280mm of rain a month, but the start of 2019 has been particularly bad for the province, causing devastating flash floods.
The rider of the bike is still straddling the machine while the fast-flowing water is dragging it sideways down the street until they eventually lose their grip on the bars and have to concede defeat. Thankfully for the rider, there are some good samaritans standing in a doorway filming the two-foot deep column of water, who offer a hand, dragging them to safety.