Volojet Tomcat Kit Turns any Zero ‘S’ Bike into a Crazy Looking Trike!

Volojet is a Californian company that makes and sells DIY kits that turn Zero electric motorcycles into recumbent trikes

The Volojet Tomcat electric trike
The Volojet Tomcat electric trike

A Californian company has released a bolt-on kit that turns bikes like the Zero SR/S and SR/F into whacky-looking trikes, with recumbent seating and double wishbone front suspension.

The quirky little single seater mates the Zero battery, motor and swingarm to a bespoke spaceframe chassis, from which custom-built front suspension is bolted. Looking like a prototype version of something like a Can-Am reverse trike, its makers claim the Volojet is designed to “maximize performance, maintainability, adjustability, and ergonomics” - although the claims that its aesthetics have also been optimised are a matter of taste!

The Tomcat kit can be bolted to any Zero 'S' series electric motorcycle
The Tomcat kit can be bolted to any Zero 'S' series electric motorcycle

With its Zero-sourced powertrain, the Tomcat boasts decent performance specs, with peak torque of 140lb ft being the headline number. Peak power is a slightly less impressive 109bhp, although with instant access to all that torque, and less weight than a traditional reverse trike, the on-road performance should be entertaining, to say the least.

The kit costs $21,000 and you'll need a donor bike to complete it
The kit costs $21,000 and you'll need a donor bike to complete it

One downside of bolting the Tomcat kit to the Zero will be a reduction in range, the powertrain now has to contend with a heavier and less aerodynamic vehicle, but even so, as a short and sharp adrenaline injection, the Volojet should fit the bill.

The Volojet Tomcat
The Volojet Tomcat

Given that this bolt-on kit utilises a stock Zero S, SR, SR/F or SR/S, you will have to source a machine to build the machine upon. And this is where the cost comes in. Additionally to the £15,300 Zero S (the cheapest of the breed), you’ll need to throw another $21,000 (£17,300) at the thing, making this a fairly expensive toy.

More information on the Volojet Tomcat can be found on the official website.

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