New: Nexx Ice X60 helmet

New product showcase from Visordown

New: Nexx Ice X60 helmet

New: Nexx Ice X60 helmet

Pink and all things that glitter do appeal to me sometimes but this just doesn’t cut it.

Firstly it didn’t fit properly and is loose at the sides, but fair enough that might just be my head.

Secondly it has a really fiddly chin strap lock that to undo you have to pull awkwardly at a piece of ribbon – like that’s going to last more than a week.

Thirdly, well I just wouldn’t feel confident about crashing wearing it on a bicycle, let alone a 150mph motorbike.

Good parts include a stylish drop down visor, rubber logo (laser cut apparently), smart visible stitching and washable anti-allergy inner liner and chin strap.

But no matter how limited your budget is, or how rarely you’re going to ride your scooter in town (this isn’t a sportsbike helmet) you need to feel confidence in your helmet. And this just didn’t inspire mine.

Pros: Stylish drop down visor, eclectic range of helmet coverings
Cons:  Feels as cheap as it is

Price: £95

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