Last summer it was time to replace my worn out Sidi Vertebras but not being a fan of their new clear plastic heel outer, I thought I’d give Alpinestars boots a try.
I tried a few models out at my local Infinity and Hein Gericke stores in South London but the perfect boot size seemed to change on the type of boot I tried despite all being from the same manufacturer.
To confuse matters more I then proceeding to bid on a used pair on eBay after a night on the beers so it was really pot lock that when my replacement boots finally arrived two weeks later they fitted (well sort of).
The Alpinestars S-MX R boots that arrived on my doorstep were used but didn’t have much too much wear so made them a bargain at £80. The boots look like they’re designed to go racing but have proved to be great for every day use.
I love the plastic ratchet system and a calf adjuster and zipper with a velcro backed tab on the zip is a nice touch everything tucked away neatly.
The right boot is still a little tight but they have stretched a bit since I got hold of them. I keep meaning to purchase new insoles but have just not got round to it as they don’t really need them.
I have often worn them from dusk till dawn which is something my feet would complain about if I was wearing the Sidis for the same stretch. The boots feel solid, safe and perhaps in the right size would be even comfier.
I just need to stay away from Andy and his shiny white new pair. They’re starting to make mine look the same shade as an old pub ceiling before the smoking ban came in.