A £40 helmet from Lidl
Would you buy one?

In these straitened times saving a few quid here or there is usually a no-brainer, and this Thursday budget supermarket chain Lidl is doing another of its occasional sales of motorcycle kit.
Now, for a cheap waterproof over-suit (£17.99) or even a tank bag (£19.99) or bike cover (£8.99), let alone a set of “motorcycle socks” at £2.99, it could be well worth a visit if you're not too fashion conscious to pass up a bargain.
But the real puzzler is the firm's £39.99 helmet. Not just a helmet, either, but a flip-up lid with a removable, washable lining, spare visor and pretty much all the stuff you'd expect to see on something costing many times as much. OK, so it's made of ABS plastic rather than carbon fibre or even fibreglass, but to legally be on sale here it's got to pass all the latest EU safety laws.
Which all begs a couple of questions... How come it's so cheap? And would you buy/ride in one?
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