The perfect bike for my short legs!
I've upgraded from the 125s and this is my beast for this year
Catherine Barrett
After a winter of riding through snow, slush, ice and driving rain, I reckon I've done my apprenticeship on 125s. My Yamaha YZF-R125 was the perfect bike to carve my trade on; nippy enough for town, small enough to fit through a mousehole and it drank fuel like a budgie.
So I've chosen the Ninja 250 as it has all the same qualities of the YZF-R125, but with a bigger beefier engine. But that's not just it, it feels more like a 'proper' motorbike in fit and feel. I can't wait to rack up the miles. If you've got one, please let me know how you're getting on with it and what you've done to yours.
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