Toad Talks: Survey finds that 89% want to avoid public transport
Yet still, the role of the powered two-wheeler is ignored as a viable alternative by the government

A survey of Spanish commuters, conducted by Toluna, has found that 82% of people would normally use public transport and that 89% of those would like to avoid it at all costs.
While the figures released do relate to Spanish commuters and not those of us getting back to work in Britain, it’s difficult to see how the figures could be that different if they were gathered in the UK. And with the Spanish nation’s already deeply ingrained love of the motorcycle, the number of people travelling to work on public transport in the UK may be even higher.
With restrictions on travel beginning to ease in some parts of the UK, returning to work, school and college are one of the big concerns for the public. As we are constantly reminded by the government, we are not out of the woods yet, with some infectious disease experts advising that if measures aren't adhered to the UK could experience a second peak of COVID-19.
With the figures stacked as they are, and with most European cities unable to deal with every worker commuting by car or taxi, from a sensible viewpoint, those not able to walk or cycle should be getting ushered onto some kind of powered two-wheeler.
Yet still, in the UK, the government continually ignores the motorcycle as a viable, cost-effective, and safe alternative to commuting by public transport. Instead, they are urging people to continue working from home, and have re-opened public transport – including London’s Underground which is already bulging at the seams.

To try and make our voices heard, it has taken a coalition of the biggest motorcycle lobby groups in the UK to join forces to form the Coalition of Motorcycle Organisations, to try and put pressure on the government to take into account the positive effect motorcycles can have in a post-COVID-19 United Kingdom.
So, its self-isolation, a shorter journey time, lower costs, and better mental wellbeing on a motorcycle.
Or standing on a packed train or bus with a couple of hundred other people you’ve never met before…