The Fugliest Bike of 2025 Arrives
With a face even its mother would struggle to love, the Siekon Cruise Prince wants to take you touring, if you can stomach it!

2025 may still only be a few days old, but that hasn’t stopped one motorcycle maker from announcing an unusual looking bike.
The Siekon Cruise Prince comes to us from China, and if you’ve never heard of Siekon, don’t feel bad, until today neither have we! It is though fairly well established in its home market, and already has a range of bikes on its website. These include a 250 sports bike, lightweight urban commuters and even the AD3, which is an off-road electric scooter.
Siekon’s latest announcement though is a very different machine to its current crop. Looking like a cross between a motorcycle and an early 2000s desktop computer, the Cruise Prince is a battery powered heavyweight tourer. Think of it like an electric Gold Wing from China, with the performance of a CBT bike. While the electric motor of the machine can likely produce significant amounts of torque, the weight and size of the bike means its top speed is only 86mph, meaning any cross-continent tours will be leisurely at best.

That leisurely performance does have one positive effect on the bike, and if its spec sheet is to be believed it’ll be capable of up to 160 miles on a single charge. The same spec sheet also claims a full recharge will take around 3.5 hours, with fast charging knocking an hour off that time.
We’ll take those stats of the bike with a pinch of salt though, as the machine on show is in its development stage, and according to New Atlas (which had a journalist at the Canton Fair where the bike was announced) it's reported that a finished version of the bike is around six months away.
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