Dallas bike cop dies escorting Hillary Clinton
Presidential candidate to pay private visit to officer's family

A DALLAS police officer taking part in a motorcade escorting Hillary
Clinton's presidential campaign entourage was killed on Friday when his motorcycle lost control along a viaduct.
Clinton, seeking the Democratic nomination against Barack Obama, continued with her campaign event in the Oak Cliff section of Dallas, but stopped a rally that had been scheduled later.
"It is deeply, deeply tragic that this loss occurred and I know that our thoughts and our prayers are with his family, with those with whom he served on a daily basis to protect the people of Dallas," Clinton told her supporters in Ft. Worth.
She said holding a rally was not appropriate "because of this tragedy." Clinton aides said the New York senator planned to meet privately with the officer's family.
Dallas police said Senior Corporal Victor Lozada-Tirado's motorcycle struck a kerb and went down. As the motorcade passed, skidmarks were evident near the fallen motorcycle, which was in the left lane of the two-lane Houston Street Viaduct. The incident occurred shortly after the motorcade passed through Dealey Plaza, where President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.
As the motorcade continued, a fellow officer attempted to comfort the injured motorcyclist before emergency medical technicians arrived. Dallas police said officer Lozada Tirado was transported to Methodist Central Hospital, where he was pronounced dead.