Insulate Britain urging people to not use the M25 today
The Insulate Britain Group is urging people not to use the M25 this morning or if they do reduce their speed to 25mph
THE Insulate Britain Group issued a statement last night urging people to not use the M25 in preparation for further protests. They also called for the Highways Agency to ‘act on its responsibility by keeping the protestors safe.
BREAKING | Insulate Britain protests begin on the M25 near Kent and near Dartford Tunnel
The protestors are also calling for the police to refuse to arrest them, despite a court injunction on certain roads being put in place to stop further protests. The previous action on the M25 and other A-roads caused massive distress for commuters and worse. Blue light emergency services were prevented from doing their job, with one woman being left paralysed after her car was prevented from reaching a hospital in time.
Insulate Britain have confirmed that blue light emergency vehicles will be allowed to pass through the protests, although that won’t stop them from getting caught up in the backed-up traffic further down the road.

The final paragraph of the Insulate Britain statement reads:
‘Insulate Britain acknowledges the inconvenience and irritation we are causing to the public in our campaign, we ask that you understand that the days of disruption are necessary to force a government to fulfil its most basic of duties to protect and defend its people. Insulate Britain considers the UK Government to be in treasonous betrayal of this country.’
While you can’t argue against the government being called upon to do more to fight climate change, the actions of Insulate Britain do more to infuriate the nation than win new supporters. The group are calling for the insulation of the UK immediately, starting with all UK social housing.