Manchester City Council double the number of free motorcycle parking bays
Extra parking for motorcycles in the city, and it’s all free - great move, Manchester City Council.

MANCHESTER City Council has confirmed that they have increased the amount of motorcycle (and scooter) parking bays in the city, for both on-street and off-street parking. Plus, they are all free to use!
Simply stating on their website:
“We have increased the number of dedicated motorcycle parking bays in the city centre.
There are now 63 on-street bays for motorcycles and 64 within car parks. They are all free for motorcyclists to use.”
Happy days for motorcyclists up north, then!
Be warned though, this doesn’t mean they are completely lax about motorcycle parking, now. If the parking bays are full and/or you decide to park in a normal pay & display bay, you’ll need to buy a ticket.
"If you choose to park in a normal (pay and display) bay, you must buy and display a ticket. To discourage theft of the ticket you could write your registration number on the ticket before attaching it to the bike.
Motorbikes are subject to the same regulations as other vehicles: if found parked in contravention of parking restrictions you are liable to receive a parking ticket."
Find these motorcycle parking spaces here: on-street parking bays and car parks with motorcycle bays.

CB1000R Black Edition Visordown Review
Manchester motorcycle parking - Do you have to pay to park in your city?
It goes without saying that we think motorcycle parking should be free anywhere in the country. Do you have to pay to park your motorcycle or scooter? Or do you just avoid those places altogether?
We recently covered a couple of motorcycle security bits you may be interested in:
LiteLok - the super lightweight, flexible and durable motorcycle lock.
Xena XX15 Bluetooth alarmed disc-lock - handy if you want a smart disc lock that makes an adjustable racket!