Nationwide police clampdown on mobile phone use begins today
All UK police forces will today begin a clampdown on mobile phone use while driving which will run until February 21st

A nationwide crackdown on mobile phone use begins today and will run until the 21st February the National Police Chief’s Council has said.
All UK police forces are involved in the scheme, which is looking to improve public safety and drive down the use of mobile devices while at the wheel.
The use of a mobile phone while either driving or in a stationary vehicle while the engine is running is a crime, with a penalty of £200 and six points awaiting those that flaunt the rule. Not only that, but mobile phone use at the wheel is also one of the ‘fatal 4’ factors that contribute towards death and injury on the UK’s roads.
The timing of the campaign is extremely important, with the NHS already being placed under massive pressure from the COVID-19 pandemic. Hopefully, the increased visibility this campaign provides can help prevent any extra injuries and undue stress on the already stretched health service.

Speaking of the new operation, Inspector Jem Mountford, Warwickshire Police, said:
“We are seeing a worrying shift in attitudes to mobile phone use behind the wheel and this is raising many safety concerns.
“We are seeing more drivers looking down to use a handheld mobile phone to use social media apps, select music, check emails or texting while driving when they should be focussing on the road ahead. We are asking these drivers to consider how their actions could affect themselves and other people.
“Whoever you are texting or calling, whether parents, family, or friends, they would not want you to have a collision potentially injuring yourself or someone else.”
Perhaps operation Snap, launched by Lincolnshire Police this month could help add some names and registration numbers to the pile of tickets being sent out this month.