NoToBikeParkingTax - please sign the petition
Westminster charge bikers to park, Birmingham are planning it too. Take two minutes to stop the rot

HERE AT Visordown we're calling on your support for the final push against the motorcycle parking charges in Westminster.
Doing your bit couldn't be easier, just click this link, download the PDF, print it out, fill it in and send it to: Ben Cope, Visordown, Magicalia, 15-18 White Lion Street, Islington, London, N1 9PD.
You may not think this affects you if you don't live in London, but other councils across the country are casting their greedy eyes on Westminster's parking tax plan. Wesminster have spent £200,000 setting up the scheme and raked in £4million.
Please take some time out to quickly fill in the form and post it to me. If you live in London and want to attend the 'hand-delivering' event on July 1st, please see for more info.
Please tell your friends. Thanks for your support.