Video: chaos as gang flees police on bikes

Anti-social riding caught on film

Video: chaos as gang flees police on bikes

FOOTAGE has emerged of motorcyclists colliding as a group of them flee from police in a residential Birmingham Street.

One rider, on a red sports bike, runs into the back of another, falls off and flees on foot, discarding his crash helmet as a police officer gives chase.

The rider he struck, on a trail bike, does a U-turn and goes back the way he came while three more avoid the crash by swerving across the road and appearing to mount the pavement.

Another rider kicks his foot out in the direction of an officer.

A police car is seen giving chase, with another parked at the scene of the collision.

At least two bikes are shown crashed, including a red sports bike and green trail bike. A third appears to be leaning against a wall.

The footage ends with a youth gesturing to the camera as he is led away by officers.

It was shot partly on Sheldon Heath Road and posted on the Facebook page PistonAddictz before being shared on Twitter by the Birmingham East Police Response Team with the message: ‘Some amateur footage of ongoing efforts to tackle anti-social/illegal motorbike riding on our patch!’

West Midlands Police has also shared pictures of bikes seized in morning raids on March 17 in a clampdown on anti-social riding.

Seven men arrested, aged between 19 and 25, are the latest suspects to be rounded up following chaotic ride-outs last year involving pit bikes, mini-motos and quad bikes.

An estimated 200 riders joined a ‘Halloween ride-out’ in Birmingham.

Around 50 took part in a similar event in Leeds, where bikes were filmed streaming through a pedestrianised shopping street.

West Midland’s Sergeant Adam Jobson said: “Those arrested remain on police bail; we are working closely with prosecutors to secure charges against them and illustrate that this type of behaviour is dangerous and won’t be tolerated.

“We’ve seen off-road bikers clogging up our roads, intimidating other road users, jumping red lights, speeding and pulling stunts in the street. It’s totally unacceptable and I sympathise with any members of the public that have been inconvenienced by the bikers.

“We now have anti-social motoring and street racing injunctions in force across the whole of Solihull, Birmingham and the Black Country – and several people have been handed suspended jail terms and heavy fines for breaching the injunctions.

“People need to recognise that if they participate in such events they can expect a knock on the door from us, we will seize their bikes and they can prepare for a day in court.”

Video: chaos as gang flees police on bikes
Bikes seized Solihull.

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